An Introduction to GitHub Sites
↳Part of: A Non-Programmers Guide To GitHub Sites

  26 Mar 2017

In this series, I hope to make life easier for all people trying to make a GitHub Site, with little to no knowledge of programming. I hope to explain how to use a template and customize it to your advantage, as well as the basics of uploading your content to GitHub. Furthermore I also plan to explain how to take advantage of the Liquid Template Language.

What is a GitHub Site?

GitHub Sites are powered by Jekyll, which basically takes your text files and applies them onto a template, which then generates a web page that can be hosted on a web-server. The Websites created are known as static web pages.

Jekyll makes it really easy to make blogs, such as this one, as you simply need to write out your posts in a text file, place it into the _posts folder and it shall automatically generate a web page for it.

To view the source code used to create this page, click here.


By using GitHub sites, we are uploading our content on GitHub, meaning that anyone is capable of seeing our code. Thus do not store any passwords, addresses, credit card information or anything else you want to keep private.

What you are going to need

  • A GitHub Account (Register)
  • A Text Editor of Choice (I Personally Recommend Atom)
  • A Git Client (I Personally Recommend GitKraken)

While it is not necessarily required to use a Git Client, it does make life a lot easier, then manually uploading everything to GitHub or using a CLI interface.

How to configure each of these programs, you shall see in the following setup guide.

Table Of Contents

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